Saturday (Sabado)
9:00 AM (Various Languages)
4:00 PM (Sunday Vigil, English)
5:30 PM (Sunday Vigil, Spanish)
Sunday (Domingo)
8:00 AM (Spanish)
9:15 AM (English)
10:30 AM (Latin - Tridentine)
12:00 noon(Spanish)
1:00 PM (English)
2:30 PM (Polish)
Weekdays (Dias de la semana)
7:00 AM (English)
9:00 AM (Various Languages)
Special Devotions
First Friday - 7:00 AM
Special Devotions
First Saturday, Our Lady 9:00 AM
(Mass, Novena and to and Benediction)
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Novena
Saturdays and Wednesdays after 9:00 AM Mass.
Haitian Mass
Every Third Saturday 10:00 AM
Rectory Office Hours (Horario de la Oficina Rectoral)
Mondays thru Saturdays 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
De Lunes a Sabado 10:00 am a 3:00 PM
Sacraments (Sacramentos)
Baptisms & Matrimonies by Appointment
Baptismos, y Matrimonios Por Cita
4:30 PM to 5:00 Saturdays
Before and after Mass and by request
Antes y después de la Misa y por solicitud
Religious Articles Gift Shop
Open Saturdays and Sundays during Mass Times.
For any Special Occasions, & placing orders, please call
Angela Pellegrino (347)276-2323
Religious Instructions
Please call the Rectory at 212-534-0681

March 9, 2025 – March 16, 2025
SATURDAY, March 8 Requested By/Pedido Por
9:00 O skruszenie pysznego chciwego zatwardziałego serca
4:00 Claudia(Conversion)
5:30 O zerwanie wiÄ™zów przekleÅ„stwa
SUNDAY, March 9 Year C – First Sunday of Lent - First Sunday in Lent
8:00 O skruszenie pysznego chciwego zatwardziałego serca
9:15 +Matthew and Rita Genavese Joanna and Anthony
10:30 +Matthew Garncarz His Parents
12:00 For breaking the bonds of the cursing
1:00 +Gabriel and Rosa Morrone Anna Tiscione and family
2:30 +Henryka +Mirosław +Stanisław Rudniccy
MONDAY, March 10
7:00 Pro Populo
9:00 Souls in Purgatory Bertha Duarte
TUESDAY, March 11
7:00 Alejandro Ramirez Orona De Liliana Benischek
9:00 +Elvira Polanco Pena De la familia
7:00 Nicolas Ramirez Orona(L) De Liliana Benischek
9:00 For the breaking of a proud, greedy, harden heart for Iwan Family
THURSDAY, March 13
7:00 Christopher Benischek(L) De su esposa
9:00 Blessings Myung Koo Shin Teresa Lee
FRIDAY, March 14
7:00 +Matthew Garncarz His Parents
9:00 For the breaking of a proud, greedy, harden heart for the Matuch Family
SATURDAY, March 15
9:00 +Mirosław Połczyński(16t nanniversary) Daughter and Family
4:00 +Roger Assman Tayco Family
5:30 Intention of the Pallotine Fathers
SUNDAY, March 16 Year C – Second Sunday of Lent - Second Sunday in Lent
8:00 Pro Populo
9:15 Souls in Purgatory Loredt Uquillas
10:30 For breaking the bonds of the past for Les family
12:00 +Andrea Requena Su hijo y esposa
1:00 Thanksgiving to St Joseph Marie J Souffrant
2:30 +Matthew Garncarz His Parents